Member assembly (MA) is a great way to involve members in the policy process or give them the opportunity to have a say about other issues that arise within Volt. Instead of a simple yes/no vote, a representative group of members gets informed and can come up with great ways forward. It is a therefore a great participation instrument to develop more empowerment and active participation of Volt members.
A citizens assembly (CA) is a way not only to include Volt members but also citizens in general. Volt members have a different expertise and experiences, but they also have a similar outlook on issues. A good way to include more perspectives within the dialogue is therefore to also ask other people to join the deliberation.


1) Learning

The first phase is about understanding the issue at hand through different perspectives.

2) Deliberating

The second phase is about sharing knowledge and experiences with each other in smaller groups.

3) Deciding

The third phase is formulating and deciding upon which recommendations regarding the issues need to be in the report.

Resources for your next MA

Members Assembly guide

The guide you need to help you start organising a members assembly.

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